Author: Arthan


Rural Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities

Rural entrepreneurs foster innovation, invest in it, change society, and produce wealth and jobs. Rural entrepreneurship refers to the emergence of entrepreneurship in rural regions that harnesses invention and creativity, produces low-cost manufactured goods,...


Career Opportunities in India for a Purposeful Career

The workforce of today seeks to feel a true link between their profession and a larger life purpose. Experts agree that finding a fulfilling career is a very personal quest, one that more and...


Data Science Fellowship for Non-Profits

They believe that data science skills can be used for making a social impact.  Data Science Dojo has an opportunity for non-profit organizations to train their employees of the non-profit organizations for data skills....


Cities Alive: Designing Cities that Work For Women

The report seeks to drive attention to the usage of public spaces equitably and to ensure all genders are taken into consideration during urban planning.  United Nations Development Programme in partnership with Arup and...


CRISP Fellowship Programme

 This fellowship provides an opportunity to drive impactful projects and work closely with public administration. Centre for Research in Schemes and Policies has launched a fellowship programme that gives opportunities to professionals who want...