Category: Fellowships


The Global Good Fund Fellowship

The Global Good Fund Fellowship is for innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders of positive social impact organizations. This program is for emerging leaders, entrepreneurs who are 40 or under, with diverse ethnic, religious, economic, geographic...


776 Fellowship

The 776 Fellowship Program is a two-year program for young people who want to build a better future and fellows receive a $100,000 grant and support from the Seven Seven Six network of founders, investors, and...


Global Climate Fellowships

Climate change is an important issue that needs to be addressed. Here is a list of fellowships that work on the issue of climate change. In case we have missed out on any fellowship...


Food Systems Fellowship

What is The Rockefeller Foundation-Acumen Food Systems Fellowship? The Rockefeller Foundation–Acumen Food Systems Fellowship is an intensive, one-year leadership development program offered through Acumen Academy, the world’s school for social change. The inaugural Food...


Latest Fellowship Opportunities

Global Opportunities UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report Fellowship Program 2022: The Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report Fellowship Program, funded by the Open Society Foundation, supports researchers who aim to bring a novel perspective to comparative...


Africa-Asia Impact Investing Fellowship

Social investment networks, AVPN and AVPA, will be launching the inaugural Africa-Asia Impact Investing Fellowship to nurture asset owners and capital managers into becoming effective impact investing practitioners. Leveraging strong networks in Asia and...


Initiatives by Nagrika

Nagrika seeks your support in creating knowledge that everyone needs but no one is creating. Nagrika uses this knowledge to enable better governance and citizen-led transformation in small cities. Nagrika is currently seeking your contributions to...