World Environment Day 2024: A Day for Action and Awareness

World Environment Day 2024: A Day for Action and Awareness
Every little bit counts when it comes to protecting our planet.

Every year on June 5th, the world comes together to celebrate World Environment Day, the biggest international day dedicated to our planet. Launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 1973, it’s grown into a massive platform for environmental awareness, uniting millions across the globe. 

This year, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the host nation. This year’s themes is – Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience. It highlights the importance of combating desertification, building drought resilience, and ultimately reviving our world’s ecosystems – a key pillar of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and crucial for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. 

We’ve curated a comprehensive resource collection to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to make a positive difference. In this collection, you can explore reports, documentaries, funding opportunities, and green career paths to guide all of us towards a sustainable future. 

  • The State of the Climate in Asia 2023 by World Meteorological Organization 

2023 was a tough year for Asia as it faced the most weather disasters globally. Floods, storms and worsening heatwaves caused significant casualties and economic damage. The report warns that rising temperatures, melting glaciers and sea levels due to climate change will only worsen the situation in the future.

Story Map 

Full report  

  • Global Resources Outlook 2024 by UN Environment Programme  

Scientists strongly emphasize a global shift towards sustainable resource use. This report highlights how crucial it is to achieve the UN’s Agenda 2030 goals and address environmental issues. The report stresses the need for bold policies to phase out harmful practices and find innovative solutions while ensuring social fairness during this transition.

Key Highlights 

Full report 

  • World Environment Day 2024

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has created a music playlist aligning with this year’s theme #GenerationRestoration that is designed to inspire people of all ages to take action on environmental issues. The playlist is curated chronologically, featuring songs from the Baby Boomer generation to Gen Z, highlighting the fact that everyone has a role to play in protecting the planet.

Play Here

Multilingual Playlist

Interesting Environmental facts  
  • Despite its reputation for being lifeless, the Sahara Desert is home to 500 plant species, 70 mammalian species, 100 reptilian species, 90 avian species, and several arthropods, such as spiders and scorpions. 
  • The largest organism on Earth is a fungus in the Blue Mountains of the United States. Covering about 965 hectares of land, the fungus could be as ancient as 8,650 years, which would earn it a place among the oldest living organisms in the world. 
  • More than one-third of the biggest cities, including Barcelona, Bogota, New York and Tokyo, source a significant proportion of their high-quality drinking water from protected forests nearby. 

You can find all the interesting facts about terrestrial ecosystems here

  • Breaking Boundaries 

The documentary, “Breaking Boundaries,” reveals a critical scientific discovery: human actions have pushed Earth past its tipping points, jeopardizing the planet’s stability and our own future. The film explores these planetary boundaries and offers solutions for restoring balance to Earth’s life support systems. 

Watch short documentary preview here

Full Documentary (On Netflix)

Job Opportunities 

We, at Arthan, share your passion for a healthier planet. Decreasing the harmful impact on the environment is a challenge, but we also have an opportunity to create positive change. If you’re looking to be part of the solution, here are some of the green job opportunities you can apply.

Fellowship Opportunities 
Funding Opportunities 

We’ve compiled a list of funding opportunities to connect you with resources that support environment healing efforts.

World Environment Day is a call to action. It’s a day to reflect on the state of our planet, celebrate the progress we’ve made, and recommit ourselves to building a more sustainable future.

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