Tagged: Funding


Impact Investing Conferences to visit this 2023

The conferences aim to foster conversations about investing in impact space, build networks of funders and direct the investment to various thematic areas. Impact Investing is the investments made to do a larger good...


COP27: Key outcomes of biggest Climate Summit

Source: UNFCCC A significant step forward was establishing a dedicated loss and damage fund, which was approved during COP27 and added to the formal agenda. This year more than 45,000 people attended COP27 (the...


Adaptation Gap Report 2022

The report evaluates the progress in planning, financing, and implementing adaptation actions. In the wake of COP27, the United Nations Environment Programme has released a report titled ‘Adaptation Gap Report 2022: Too Little, Too...


Funding trends 2021: Climate change mitigation philanthropy

By Helene Desanlis, Elin Matsumae, Hannah Roeyer, Anthony Yazaki, Muniba Ahmad, and Surabi Menon Source: ClimateWorks Global Intelligence This report is a follow-up to ClimateWork’s 2020 publication, “Funding trends: Climate change mitigation philanthropy.” This...