Seeding by Ceding

Mackenzie Scott just announced $2.74 Billion in grants to 286 nonprofits, including at least 14 Indian organisations. That is an average grant of Rs 74 Crores (approx) to each organization (amounts may vary).
Some of the Indian beneficiaries of the Grants are:
- ACT Grants
- Child in Need Institute (CINI)
- Digital Green
- Dream A Dream
- GiveIndia
- Jan Sahas
- Magic Bus
- Mann Deshi Foundation
- Piramal Swasthya
- Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN)
- SNEHA (Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action)
- The Antara Foundation
- The/Nudge Foundation
To read the complete blog by Mackenzie Scott along with the list of the grants, Click Here