Arthan Learning Resources Blog


Foundations of Development Policy

Source – MITx Online MITx Online has launched a course ‘Foundations of Development Policy’ that will examine the different facets of human development, including education, health, gender, the family, land relations, risk, public policy,...


Women’s Fellowships in Public Finance for Cities

Source – Janaagraha Janaagraha has launched Women’s Fellowships in Public Finance for Cities which is designed to help women take the first step towards a career in transforming the quality of life in India’s...


महामारी के बाद एक समावेशी, नए भारत के निर्माण में साझेदारी की भूमिका

Source: Ticking time bomb: The perilous lives of garment workers amid the pandemic (Hindi Translation) भारत में तीन मिलियन से अधिक गैर-सरकारी संगठन (NGO) हैं जो विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में काम करते हैं और सामाजिक...


Measurement and Survey Design Course 2023 

Source – J-PAL J-Pal South Asia and Clear have launched a course ‘Measurement and Survey Design Course 2023’ that provides a thorough introduction to foundational concepts in measurement theory and quantitative survey design strategies...