The Global Good Fund Fellowship

The Global Good Fund Fellowship is for innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders of positive social impact organizations. This program is for emerging leaders, entrepreneurs who are 40 or under, with diverse ethnic, religious, economic, geographic and gender experiences. Ideal entrepreneurs are in a leadership role, and are dedicated full-time to their organization that’s over 1-year-old.
Applications are now open for the 12-month program supporting the leadership development of social enterprise leaders across the globe.
When leaders reach their full potential companies and communities experience positive growth and social impact.
The Fellowship creates a better world by strengthening the leadership capacity of entrepreneurs focused on solving five key social issues related to education, healthcare, the environment, financial inclusion, and economic mobility. Our consulting services help companies ensure their leaders are growing in tandem with the needs of their organization.
The Global Good Fund additionally provides leadership assessment resources, a network of peer leaders, content expertise, and targeted funding to fellows.